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Training Android2EE


Training Android2EE

Bandeau Conference
First of all, I am pleased to announce the implementation of inter-company training Android by Android2EE.
You want to:

Become a good programmer Android; Add this experience to your resume and to enjoy your career; Or simply to make your own Android programs and become the future Instagram.

Or your need is more strategic and you want to:

Satisfy your customer by offering a unique Android experience. Increase your offer with Android proposals; Mount your teams skills on this technology; To put in place an Android of its specifications for delivery application.

In all these cases, do not hesitate, come to learn directly with an expert recognized, fascinated by the Android technology, which broadcasts its knowledge with enthusiasm and pedagogy.

The next sessions:
24 / 25 / 26 September - Toulouse - training Initiation advanced to Android
27 September - Toulouse - training deepening dedicated Services Android

01 / 02 / 03 October - Paris - training Initiation advanced to Android

05 / 06 / 07 November - Paris - training Initiation advanced to Android
08 / 09 November - Paris - training deepening Android
27 / 28 / 29 November - Toulouse - training Initiation advanced to Android
30 November - Toulouse - training deepening dedicated Services Android

03 / 04 / 05 December - Paris - training Initiation advanced to Android
08 / 09 December - Paris - training deepening Android

Android2EE is declared as a training organization, allowing you to take in charge all or part of the cost of this training.
For more information: inter-enterprise training Android

Mathias Séguy
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Founder Android2EE
Training - Expertise - Consulting Android.
EBooks learn programming Android.

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Original author: MathiasSeguy
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